27 January 2014

a goblin mechanic's lot is not a happy one


  1. Robo steampunk conflict Rhino... a glorious notion. They really do have that battle hardened rolled steel plate exterior (I believe low caliber rounds actually do just barely nick real rhino's tough hides...) and your choice of pose nails that heavy lolloping gait to an absolute tee. The belching smoke is a deft final stroke.

  2. WHAT is a hoggle and WHY does it go thru a cute little faerie? fantasy is SO violent, mr t!

    love this. great color and great mecha designing...love how you fashioned his joints, the hingey parts!

  3. Great stuff, really like the texture and all the little cogs just peeping into view.

  4. Cheers for the lovely comments chaps and chappess. Froggie, watch Labyrinth ;)
