08 February 2011

poler bear


  1. hee, hee! i like the way your mind works, phillip!

    here's another pbear for me...had to do an "animal portrait" for a pub, so i thought, why not make him a pbear? :-)) i'm not sure if i should give him some kind of bground treatment, tho...color? tundra?


  2. An absolute delight... you really convey the environment very well... graphically pure yet with depth to the arctic wastes! Nice compositional balance with the horizon flows against the bear in the bottom right. Deft sir, deft!

    Teeny constructive critic maybe... lose / move / shrink the ice flow behind the pole so the 'pole' narrative reads that bit clearer....?

  3. Cheers Matt, it's been bugging me too since I posted it. Froggie, Mr Blessington is FAB! I've been loving your links, keep 'em coming. :)

  4. Changes made. Matt, fancy setting up a studio together, so we can go over these little bugs before I make them public ;D

  5. Lovely. There is always such fun in your stuff and this is no exception... would personally have liked the Polar Bear to have been carrying a bit more weight though.

  6. Nice picture and pun, Phil.

    Thought I'd post a polar bear I just happened to have at http://francescony.blogspot.com/2011/02/little-bit-bunny-bearing-gifts.html
